Gas based extinguishing system (with Inergen gas)
The Inergen gas is a mixture of natural gases according to the following:
Nitrogen (N2) 52 % + 10 %
Argon (Ar) 40 % + 10 %
Carbon-dioxide (CO2) 8 % + 5 %
Its extinguishing effect is due to its capability to decrease the oxygen content of the protected area by approximately 12.5% when blown into the airspace. On this decreased level of oxygen content fire is not possible. At the same time the protection of human health is granted for the body gets the right amount of oxygen because of the physiologically balanced carbon content.
The trigger for the gas extinguishing equipment is provided by the fire alarm network. Two detectors, connecting to two separate signal loops give a simultaneous signal to the fire alarm control center, which ignites the sound and light alarms. At the expiration of the delay time after the alarm signal the extinguishing gas flows into the protected area through a pipe system.
The advantages of gas extinguishing systems:
- no toxic decomposition products,
- no damage,
- does not conduct electricity
(ideal for protecting server computers), water vapor does not condense.